Missy Takes Us New School
I can already hear the older generation finally accepting Trap beats and Trap flows since this music video came out. We gotta thank Missy Elliott for helping bridge the gap and keep that communication between the older and newer generation going. I'm Better, proves what I've been saying about Hip-Hop (s/o Lamb). It proves that a dope record, that makes you want to dance, is deeper than all these social commentary records that only incite anger, fear, hate and division. To me, they are just as distracting as gangster music videos. Yes, there's always a time and place for them all, but we rarely can find unity at the end of such records. The messages are usually too polarizing and only serves the agenda of destruction..but dancing and good vibes are positive languages, that we can all participate in.
As we push through this first week of Black History Month (African American History Month), let's spend time looking at what we, as a entire nation of people, want to do to influence our future. Do we plan to live our futures separated by our unique experiences, or can we find an equal plane, where ALL life can find itself being BETTER. Anyways, back to Missy, who killed this joint.
The dancing is always lit as usual, And she still came raw as an F'EMMEC, which is always good for the culture in my IMO. Big up dis one, lol.