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Big Sean making fresh Moves.

Probably the rapper that should be in 1st place if another didn't take his flow (Hashtag flow) and run off with it. Fast forward to the present, this record was added to my set the day it came out..But these visuals give it a whole new experience.

I'ma be honest, Bounce Back's still been on repeat more for me, but let's dig further into my Big Sean conspiracy theory. Alright the skeptic in me sees these new singles are in sequence of a genius strategist and are solid power moves. Like insinuated earlier, Drake definitely took Big Sean's flow just as he was about to blow for himself, forcing Sean (Like J-Cole) to have to continue working the mix-tape world to grow their following organically.

Recently, Kanye has been all over the place. From the launch of his rants on tour, to his infamous blow ups on radio, he's really made himself to be the media's bad-guy. With very little hype surrounding his new music, it would allow other GOOD MUSIC artists breathing space to build their own brands up. Insert Big Sean, but then one would ask why has he taken so long to find his stride?

That's where this conspiracy comes back home. Drake has been leading the charts, but his credibility within the realms of OG rap is non-existent. It's one thing to be known to have help in the booth. It's another to have every hit you make be attributed to other geniuses as you take the credit (Thomas Edison wasn't even a scientist). The wave rider is beginning to stick when it comes to Drizzy's brand, and that has finally given Big Sean the breathing room to take back his sound and make this offensive break. We see your MOVES Sean and we're rooting for you!

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