Zen Load Balancer
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Zen Load Balancer is a complete solution for load balancing to provide a high availability for TCP, UDP, advanced HTTP and HTTPS services, data line communications (uplink). A complete solution for L7 content switching and L4 Load Balancing, targeted to become a professional open source product in networking for distributed systems.
It's not only a nice HTTPS GUI to control the load balancing system, Zen LB provides an advanced administration for network interfaces and routes, unlimited farms configuration, advanced checking for TCP farms, advanced check and monitoring for backend servers, clustering for active-pasive load balancing services, monitoring graphs, configuration backups, vlan support, real time config sync replication for cluster nodes, HTTP specific load balancing, client persistence, SSL wrapper, L7 content switching, L4 load balancing and much more.
In ZEn Load Balancer v3.02 or less you can't configure a HTTPS farm with HTTPS backends, (not supported). If you need this support then use TCP or L4 farms, the entire communication will go through the load balancer in raw mode
Zen Load Balancer is an Open Source Load Balancer Appliance Project that provides a full set of tools to run and manage a complete load balancer solution which includes: farm and server definition, networking, clustering, monitoring, secure certificates management, logs, config backups, etc.
Virtual IP is a floating IP address over a layer 4 network configuration which is used to be the entry point of a virtual service defined by a farm that is ready to deliver connections between redundant load balancing nodes.
Stop Farm: The selected farm will be stopped, and the virtual service will be disabled. Once the farm is stopped, it will not be started at the boot up process of the load balancer. The status field will be shown with a red dot and the PID will be disappeared. A confirmation window will be shown.
Farm Virtual IP and Virtual Port. These are the virtual IP address and virtual port in which the virtual service for the farm will be bind and listening in the load balancer system. To make changes in these fields, be sure the new virtual ip and virtual port are not in use. To apply the changes the farm service will be restarted automatically for TCP and UDP profiles. To be applied for HTTP and HTTPS, the farm needs to be restarted manually through the restart icon .
Load Balance Algorithm. This field shows the different load balancing algorithms that are possible to be configured for the current farm. Four algorithms are available. Selecting an unappropiate algorithm for your service infrastructure could cause a lot of processor consumption over the load balancer. To apply the changes check the Modify Button and the new algorithm will be applied on line without restarting the farm.
The uploaded certificate file must contain a PEM-encoded certificate, optionally a certificate chain from a known Certificate Authority to your server certificate and a PEM-encoded private key (not password protected).5.3.1 ADDING A NEW CERTIFICATE
This section is useful to monitorize the internal load balancer system to detect problems through the parameters of CPU usage, swap memory, ram memory, all configured nework interfaces, load and hard disk storage.
node1 master and node2 backup automatic failback: If node1 is detected as down the node2 will take over the load balancing service. When node1 is restored the service will automatically switch back to node1. You should choose this option when node1 is a more powerful server than node2.
node1 or node2 can be masters: anyone can be master, there is no automatic failback when one node is recovered. If you have two very similar servers for node1 and node2 that can both handle the full load of your traffic then you can use this option.
By default Zen Load balancer checks the tcp backends port status, but sometimes this check its not enough to conclude that the backend status is working fine. To solve this prob